Fear of God
When faith is not backed by the fear of God, it is called AMBITION.
When evangelism is not backed by the fear of God, it is called CHURCH ADVERTISEMENT.
When submission to spiritual authority is not backed by the fear of God, it is called EYE SERVICE.
When good works in society are not backed by the fear of God, it is HUMANITARIAN SERVICE.
When ministering in choir is not backed by the fear of God, it becomes a CONCERT.
When preaching is not backed by the fear of God, it becomes MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING.
When church attendance is not backed by the fear of God, it becomes a SOCIAL ACTIVITY.
Even a church gathering without the fear of God becomes a mere SOCIAL GATHERING.
Prayer without the fear of God is NOISE MAKING.
Kneeling or raising hands before God without the fear of God is called PUNISHMENT.
Going to a prayer mountain without the fear of God is EXERCISE.
A church service without the fear of God is just an empty LITURGY.
Talking so much about God without the fear of God is BOASTING.
All night prayer without the fear of God is WAKE KEEPING.
Doing chain fasting without the fear of God is DIETING.
Leading a church without the fear of God is running a BUSINESS.
Dancing for God without the fear of God is SPORTS.
Watching Christian TV without the fear of God is ENTERTAINMENT.
Dressing for church without the fear of God is equal to a FASHION PARADE.
Listening to Christian radio without the fear of God is getting INFORMATION.
Baptism without the fear of God is simply getting WET.
Cleaning the church building without the fear of God is GOOD SANITATION.
Talking gently and being polite to people without the fear of God is called GOOD MANNERS.
Miracles without the fear of God is called MAGIC.
Staying away from worldly activities and vices without the fear of God is mere SELF DISCIPLINE.
Giving your money to a church without the fear of God is a mere SOCIAL SERVICE.
A prophet without the fear of God is a SOOTHSAYER or FORTUNE TELLER.
Working for the church or even in the church without the fear of God is a mere EMPLOYMENT.
A demonstration of the power of the Spirit without the fear of God is a mere SPECTACLE.
Fasting without the fear of God is STARVATION.
Being prosperous without the fear of God is being FORTUNATE.
Being married without the fear of God may simply become CO-HABITATION.
Courtship without the fear of God will lead to FORNICATION.
Eating without the fear of God will lead to GLUTTONY.
Talking without the fear of God will lead to LIES TELLING.
Even giving a testimony in church without the fear of God will lead to EXAGGERATION.
A good mastery of Christian Apologetics, without the fear of God does not make one different from an ATTORNEY or LAWYER.
A sound knowledge of the Bible, without the fear of God simply makes one a BIBLE SCHOLAR or HISTORIAN.
When children are not taught the fear of God, the Bible becomes a STORY BOOK and the Sunday school becomes another KINDERGARTEN.
Preparing the future of children without teaching them the fear of God is a WASTED EFFORT.
A man of God without the fear of God is simply a MAN IN GOD'S HANDS - He will use him and cast him away at the end.
Preaching without the fear of God is mere ACTING - Hollywood actors could even do better. One famous actor of the Jesus film is not even a Christian.