Motivational Speech

by - June 13, 2019

What is your life. It's even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanished away. If someone had told me when I was 20 years old that life was very short and would pass just like that, I would not believe it. And if I tell you that you don't believe it either. I can not get young people to understand, how brief life is. How quickly it passes. It seems like yesterday, I was in school.

 Everyone of us here has been given the same amount of time in a day. 1440 minutes a day. 168 hours per week. 70 years God allows us, and it interesting to me with all of our medical science we have never passed that magic mark.  The average American male today lives 70 years and 4 months. The average female 73 years and 6 months. More people live to be 70. But the average age of an American is still 70, as taught in the scriptures.

What a thing it is when you think that you just one short life to spend it will soon be over. I'd write down my priorities in life and I'd get committed to certain priorities. Now is the accepted time.

The things we ought to do, the classes we ought to take, the books we ought to read, do it now. The family that's need you spend more time now. Write that letter home now that you been meaning to write. Money you ought to give, give now. Time for study, do it now. People you ought to witness to do it now.

Every time the clock ticks it seems to say NOW, TODAY if you will hear His voice. There may not be a tomorrow for you and for me. Because there's a warning to time.

Time is running out for all of us. Time is too short for indecision and vacillation. Do not halt between two opinions. Fools say that time is long.

Every morning we have 86,400 seconds to spend and to invest. And each day the Bank named time opens a new account for you and for me. It allows no Balances and no Overdrafts. If you fail to use the days deposits the lose is yours.

The Bible says, redeem the times because the days are evil. And the days in which we  are living are evil.  If there was ever a time for the Gospel that can trasform the human heart it's now. Jesus said as long as it is day we must do the work of Him that sent us, the night is coming when no men can work. Yet  there was a serenity about the work of the Lord Jesus.

It's the quality of life not the length.

Billy Graham

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