Motivational Quotes to Inspire You to Be Successful

by - June 12, 2019

It is a mark of spiritual maturity to sincerely love our fellow Christians, not simply for what they are in themselves, but for what they means to Jesus.

The final stage of development AGAPE LOVE represents the full, ripe fruit of Christian character.

God's appointed ruler does not have the nature of the beast. He has the nature of yhe Lamb.

Lucifer's outstanding wisdom and beauty filled his heart with pride and thus became the cause of his downfall.

Pride has caused the downfall of more men and women than all the other sins put together.

A Christian not under authority is an unprotected Christian.

The essence of lawlessness is a rejection of authority.

This attitude of mutual submission is the key to right relationships both in the home and in the church.

Using the girdle of truth requires that we renounce every form of dishonesty or compromise.

Our success in the spiritual life depends on maintaining a right heart relationship with both God and man.

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